
The Marketing Collateral Menu, Referral Marketing Style

Welcome to the Referral Marketing Café! We have a fresh menu of all your favorite digital marketing collateral. Come take a bite!

Team Ambassador

January 24, 2025

Welcome to the Referral Marketing Software Café! Take a moment to look over our menu of marketing collateral suggestions. With any of these fantastic and fresh content offerings, and the right positioning and messaging for your target audience, you’ll be driving new sales and referrals in no time.

So please, sit down with a nice hot espresso and get ready to serve up some effective marketing materials.

Visual Content

Videos ~ Artisanal videos are made in-house and served with slow-roasted narratives and caramelized design. Whether you’re a lighthearted B2C brand or a professional B2B brand, videos are ideal for any occasion, from in-depth interviews to how-to guides. And customers are more likely to engage, share, and comment on video content than on blogs or other social posts. This social media platform also allows brands to explore a diverse palette of engaging content—a critical component of driving action from your customers. Ask your server for more information.

Microvideos ~ A fresh take on product videos, a microvideo is flash seared and presented in small bites with a delicate, yet forceful call-to-action. It’s perfect for sharing on any social media site, from Twitter and Facebook to LinkedIn and YouTube. A microvideo is also a great choice for highlighting your company’s referral program or value-add in a quick, engaging way. We recommend Wistia to get you started.

Infographics ~ A delicate blend of data presented via graphic arts. Well-designed infographics communicate technical information about your product’s niche while telling a story that highlights its benefits. Infographics also drive heavy sharing across platforms such as Pinterest, where images are king and referrals are ripe for the taking. A supporter favorite.

Data Visualizations ~ Similar to infographics, data visualizations are bite-size graphical representations for lighter appetites and supporters on-the-go. Usually topical, data visualizations include recent quotes, research, and other relevant copy.

Written Content

Blog Posts ~ A tasty exploration of issue-focused topics, blog posts are the most effective vehicle for a heavy seasoning of keywords, and they complement a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy beautifully. A well-constructed post not only drives traffic to a landing page, but also adds a delightful boost to a brand’s thought leadership in the form of helpful guides and industry news.

Microblog Posts ~ A modern take on traditional blog posts, our short-form blog posts are small bites that allow for easily digestible reads. Microblogs offer an excellent opportunity to include a brief call to action about a referral marketing campaign and a link to your landing page.

Case Studies ~ A brief, appetizing report that showcases a customer who’s successfully used your product. Seasoned with relevant statistics and stories that convey your value to a broader online audience, a case study is essentially a long-form customer referral that adds meat to your marketing strategy with real-world accounts.

eBooks ~ Offering an insightful, wood-fired take on important topics surrounding your brand, eBooks help customers understand your product. They also add value to your social community. An eBook might cover topics as broad as Peering into the Crystal Ball: An In-Depth Look at the Trends Shaping Marketing’s Future.” or as specific as picking apart an industry secret. All eBooks must benefit the customer in some actionable way.

Other Content

Webinars ~ A winning combination of thought leadership and engagement, our webinars are fire roasted in the traditional web engagement manner that’s been passed down for generations. Topped off with keyword-heavy descriptions and served both live and pre-recorded, webinars provide an excellent opportunity for calls to action and driving traffic home. To get started, we suggest you check out Slideshare, which provides detailed analytics to help you optimize your content for referrals.

Quizzes ~ An interactive twist on a traditional marketing tactic, a quiz includes relevant talking points and a heavy post-quiz engagement strategy. Quizzes are easily sharable and provide a vehicle for framing the narrative of a program.

Podcasts ~ Interesting discussions on pertinent issues add a depth of thought leadership to this dish. More and more, people are engaging with content on their smartphones, MP3 players, or laptops. That means customers can listen to your podcasts while at the supermarket, in the car, or running errands. This allows your brand to reach customers at all times of the day!

Content Curation ~ Brands should promote their local communities by including a heavy dose of curated content in their marketing strategy. Content curation allows brands to add value to their social media community by seasoning their content with posts from other complementary sources, and it also helps them get on the radar of larger, more established brands.

Do you want to learn how to turn more of your customers, partners, affiliates, and fans into revenue generators?Request a custom demo from one of our referral marketing software experts today!

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