Advocacy Launch Guide
How to Launch a Customer Advocacy Program in 6 Easy Steps
With word-of-mouth marketing driving billions of dollars in sales every year, it’s no surprise that it’s one of the most coveted sources of...
How did Netflix's "Tiger King" use word-of-mouth to create an audience of devoted fans? Here are 3 key marketing lessons learned while binge watching.
Our latest product features - A/B Testing and Communication Management - make Ambassador the world's first integrated word-of-mouth marketing...
Happy customers are more likely to buy more AND tell their friends about your brand. Here are 3 ways to jump-start your word-of-mouth marketing...
Why should marketers care about WOMM (word-of-mouth marketing)? Because it's the channel with the highest level of consumer trust. Let's take a look.
When investing in software, it's crucial to know how to measure ROI for your word of mouth marketing campaigns. Here's how to calculate ROI.
What's the difference between word-of-mouth marketing models? We break down all the variations and make the case for why you need this marketing...
From influencer programs to referral campaigns to affiliate marketing, word of mouth marketing adds irreplaceable value to your revenue stream.
We're approaching the most wonderful time of the year for marketing: The holidays! Here's how to leverage word-of-mouth marketing this upcoming...